Historical Marker Search

You searched for Postal Code: B0W 3M0

Showing results 1 to 7 of 7
Le plus ancient tribunal Le premier gouvernement local de la région du comté actuel de Yarmouth fut institué en 1789 par l'établissement du Tribunal des Sessions générales de la paix qui servait les distr…
The year 1879 was a disastrous one for Yarmouth County, Nova Scotia, with no fewer than 31 vessels lost along with 106 persons. The ships lost were among the best of the Yarmouth fleet, some carrying valuable cargoes. The loss of life left 26 wido…
Next to the Court House on the east side of the street was the Tusket Cycle Company and just south of that, the Methodist Church built in 1877. On the opposite side of the street, the building in the foreground with the bundle of shingles was Bern…
Nova Scotia was the first colony in British North America to receive English law in all its jurisdictional variants, and the first colony to establish the legislative institutions necessary for the enactment of law. It was the first to evolve the …
This well-preserved building, constructed between 1802 and 1805, is the oldest-known combined court house and jail still remaining in Canada. A prominent symbol of law and order, this building type was common to British North American towns in the…
In honour and loving memory of our heroes who met death to save life. Corp. Joseph B. Jeffery 222979, 85th. Canadian Battalion Died of Wounds, St. Pol. France Oct. 4th. 1918 Aged 25 years Pte. Clement Jeffery 905042, 49th. Canadian Batt…
GIIIR In proud memory of those United Empire Loyalists the majority of them of Dutch origin who defeated and despoiled were compelled to find refuge here following the American Revolution. Arriving here, the first in 1784, they esta…